Sunday, September 8, 2024

Special Rooms: Plant Life

An entry in an ongoing project to generate "special" rooms

5A: Type of Plant Life

d20 Type of Plant Life
1-8 Hostile Plant Life, see procedure in Section 5B
9-11 Harvestable Magical Plant, see procedure in Section 5C
12-15 Impediment, area is difficult to traverse due to plant-life
16-18 Wondrous Plants, appearance of plants is strange or beautiful
19-20 Mundane or Magical area effect while near plants, see procedure in Section 5D

5B: Hostile Plant Life

The plant is either (1-15) immobile and hostile (behaving like a trap or trick), or (16-20) is a hostile plant monster of some sort. If the plant life is immobile there is a 2-in-6 chance of treasure being present. If it is a monster there is a 4-in-6 chance of treasure being present.

Section 5C: Harvestable Magical Plant

This section details plant life that can be used in one way or another in the creation of potions. Plants used for more mundane needs are detailed elsewhere, but notably absent from this section is plant life that can be used in the creation of other magical items, such as weapons or armor. Roll on Table 5C II once for each harvestable plant present.

Table 5C I:  Number of Harvestable Plant Types Present

d20 Number of Harvestable Plant Types Present
1-12 1
13-18 2
19-20 3

Table 5C II: Units Harvestable Per Plant Type

d20 Units Harvestable Per Plant Type
1-12 1
13-16 1d3
17-19 1d6
20 2d6

See Tome of Adventure Design Table 3-70 for Plant Generation or use the following procedure:

  1. First determine if the plant is (1-18) used as a component in a potion or (19-20) has the effect of a potion when consumed
  2. Next determine if the plant (1-12) must be used fresh or (13-20) can be preserved and used in a preserved state.
    1. If it must be used fresh, it must be used (1-5) within 24 hours, (6-12) within 5 days, (13-18) within 30 days, or (19-20) whenever, no matter how advanced the degree of decay
  3. To determine which potion the plant is a component in or has the effect of, the author suggests using a preexisting potion table such as the Magic Potions table found in Old School Essentials Classic Fantasy Treasure p. 14

Section 5D:  Area Effect of Plants 

This section details plants that affect an area in a manner similar to magical effects.

d100 Area of Effect
1-25 1 room
26-50 1d4+1 rooms
51-75 2d6+2 rooms
76-85 3d8+3
86-95 entire dungeon region
96-100 entire dungeon

For suggestions on the nature of the magical effect, see Filling in the Blanks by Third Kingdom Games, page 64.

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