Monday, September 23, 2024

An Accounting of the Victory of Serga Ulmus over the Treacherous Elves

Sometime around March of 2023, Attronarch ran a one-shot, reversing an old dragon magazine dungeon and having us, the players, play as orcs come to reclaim an old orcish stronghold (and the magical weapon within). I played Serga Ulmus, a half-orc cleric/thief who ended up scampering away over a cliff. Below is an after-action report written in the voice of another character that survived.

HEAR THIS, the age of Serga is upon us! I, Uglamm the Wretched, have been tasked with the glorious honor of chronicling his tale.

It was the retrieval of Alkarg, the Elf-Destroyer, that brought this age to ripeness. I was honored to be among those tasked with delving into the lost citadel of Alhurmus, the bastion of his revered ancestor Mondru IV (may Gruumsh glorify his name!), and there to combat the many traps and deadly beasts. Yet it was through Serga’s strength that we were victorious!

Be it remembered that the numerous clever traps of Mondru’s fortress felled brave orcs who gave their life for Serga! And it was their blood that stoked the fire of Serga’s resolve. The halls of the fortress were lined with statues of the honored dead, and trophies torn bloodily from the hands of slaughtered elf-kind. And each of them seemed to bow and cheer “Serga!” as he passed. Enshrined among the great halls were heroes of old, and their treasures, and they too looked upon their descendant with admiration and respect. For Serga is the chosen of Gruumsh!

Let the name of the vile lycanthrope who defiled those hallowed halls be forgotten, only the glory of Serga remains. Through violence and treachery, many of Serga’s servants were slain. So it was that only his brother Baktar, and his servants Durz and Nogurgh survived to accompany Serga to the lowest level of the fortress, where resided the Bane of Elves. How beautiful were those lower halls which glorified Gruumsh! And yet, even here, the brilliance of Mondru’s defenses cost incautious Durz his life. There were many riddles there, engraved upon black iron gates. And yet, for one as clever in words as Serga there was nothing hidden! For he was wise in the written form. Cautiously did he, his brother, and his servant enter to that final chamber. And yet seeing the prize in front of him, the Elf-Destroyer, Serga strode forward bravely. And the honored dead that lined the hall there were glad to see him, and they proferred to him the spear itself which he had sought.

The three heroes rose victorious through the labyrinth to where they had entered into the fortress, and where awaited Serga and Baktar’s father Thaagwa, who had taught Serga the ways of Gruumsh, and his retinue of brave Orcs. Yet when they entered into the plain air they discovered treachery! A band of men, led by hateful elves, had put to the sword Serga’s faithful followers, and even his father (though his father lived just long enough to see his son emerge).

Seeing this evil before him, and the blood spilled by those that would oppose him, there rose in Serga a righteous fury. And he strode into the field, glowing a brilliant red, a sign of his hatred for the treacherous elves! There he did battle with those villains, I saw it with my own eyes! He slew them to the last one. And though Baktra and Nogurgh could not withstand the hateful violence of the elves, Serga emerged, all drenched in the blood of his enemies. Let it be known! All who oppose the chosen of Gruumsh will find only destruction.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Special Rooms: Alchemic Laboratories

An entry in an ongoing project to generate "special" rooms

Similar to Magical Item Creation Facilities, Alchemic Laboratories provide both facilities and material for the production of potions. It is assumed that whatever items and installations constitute the facilities are difficult to move while the material is easier to transport.

Section 17A: Quantity of Available Resources

d8 Value of available facilities
1-4 1d6 x 100GP
5-7 1d4 x 500GP
8 1d4 x 1000GP
d8 Quantity of available material
1-4 Sufficient material for 1d6 potions
5-7 Sufficient material for 1d10 potions
8 Sufficient material for 2d10 potions

Section 17B: Age/quality of facilities and material

2d6 Age/quality of facilities and material
2 Ancient/destroyed: either the lab is truly ancient or some force has intentionally destroyed it or both. The facilities are worth 10% of their rolled value, there is a 90% chance per potion’s worth of material that the material is not fit to purpose.
3-6 Aged/ruined: the lab is very old and sufficiently out of date that it’s technologies are unfamiliar, or some natural damage (e.g. leaking water) has ruined a substantial portion of the lab. The facilities are worth 50% of their rolled value, there is a 50% chance per potion’s worth of material that the material is not fit to purpose.
7-11 Abandoned: the lab has been recently abandoned and left to decay. The facilities are worth 80% of their rolled value, there is a 20% chance per potion’s worth of material that the material is not fit to purpose
12 Pristine/in use: the lab is still in use or has been supernaturally preserved. The facilities are worth 100% of their rolled value, and all material is usable

Section 17C: Area of alchemic research

Labs may be used not only for the creation of known potions but for the discovery of novel potions. Such labs are likely to have texts or notes relevant to this research.

d6 Area of alchemic research
1 Perception, as in potions of clairvoyance or esp
2 Detection, as in potions of treasure finding
3 Control, as in potions of control animal or control undead
4 Transformation, as in potions of diminution or gaseous form
5 Healing, as in potions of healing or those used for curing diseases
6 Poison, as in potions of poison or any other sorts of poisons

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Special Rooms: Portals to Another Plane

An entry in an ongoing project to generate "special" rooms

This section details the possible functioning of a portal to another plane, but attempts to be agnostic as to what the plane might be, and defers to other texts for the detailing of the physical portal itself.

2A: Can the other side of the portal be perceived without entering?

d2 Nature of Portal
1 No
2 Yes, by looking through the aperture

2B: What does the portal connect to?

The implication of the portal not connecting to anything should be clear: it is effectively one-way. This should be hinted at if the other side of the portal can be perceived.

d20 Portal Connects to...
1-8 Nothing, the portal drops entrants off in open terrain in the target plane
9-19 Another portal, roll to determine it's nature
20 A dedicated portal facility, see Section 2C

2C: Portal facilities

Such facilities are purpose built to provide transport throughout the planes.

d20 Number of Portals in Facility
1-9 1d4+1
10-14 1d6+2
15-18 1d10+4
19-20 1d20+6

2D: How is the portal activated?

d20 The portal is activated...
1-4 By entering it, no special action is otherwise required
5-7 With a key of some sort, which must be (1-2) presented at some sort of device in the same chamber, (3-4) be on the person of an entrant into the portal, (5) be on the person of each entrant (multiple copies of the key are required), or (6) be presented elsewhere in the dungeon.
8-11 With ritual magic, which is either (1-4) described in the same chamber, or (5-6) must be discovered elsewhere.
12-15 With a non-magical ritual which is either (1-4) described in the same chamber, or (5-6) must be discovered elsewhere.
16-19 Only at a certain time each day
20 Only on a certain day each year

2E: Other considerations

For tables detailing the physical characteristics of portals and their keys, see Kefitzah Hederach: Incunabulum of the Uncanny Gates and Portals. Consider that the portal might be hidden or trapped. Table IIIc from Tricks, Empty Rooms, & Basic Trap Design by Courtney Campbell might be useful here.

Special Rooms: A Generator

Special Rooms: A Generator

 I use a bunch of the tables from the AD&D DMG Appendix A: Random Dungeon Generation. Particularly, I use the table for stocking rooms - Table V. F.: Chamber or Room Contents. Setting aside issues I've had using this method, the table appears as follows:

The entry for a roll of 18 is "Special," which, as far as I can tell, has no elaboration in the DMG (of course I might just have missed it). In any case, a while ago I started working on a set of tables for generating "special" rooms, starting by ripping off the DMG's description of rooms with pools. My master table looks like this:

d20 Room Seed Completed Link
1 Pool, magical or otherwise X
2 Portal to Another Plane X Section 2
3 Summoning Chamber

4 Channeling Room

5 Plant Life X Section 5
6 Impossible/Alien Architecture

7 Crypt

8 Illusion

9 Magical Item Creation Facilities

10 Mundane Dramatic Architecture

11 Entry to the Underdark

12 Teleportation Chamber

13 Riddle

14 Physical Puzzle

15 Ore Vein

16 Entry to Another Dungeon

17 Alchemic Laboratory X Section 17
18 Intact/Functional Library

19 Game Animal Grounds

20 Farm/Greenhouse 

Each of these entries links to a sub-table detailing the variety of special room. I'll add more details here as the project continues.

Special Rooms: Plant Life

An entry in an ongoing project to generate "special" rooms

5A: Type of Plant Life

d20 Type of Plant Life
1-8 Hostile Plant Life, see procedure in Section 5B
9-11 Harvestable Magical Plant, see procedure in Section 5C
12-15 Impediment, area is difficult to traverse due to plant-life
16-18 Wondrous Plants, appearance of plants is strange or beautiful
19-20 Mundane or Magical area effect while near plants, see procedure in Section 5D

5B: Hostile Plant Life

The plant is either (1-15) immobile and hostile (behaving like a trap or trick), or (16-20) is a hostile plant monster of some sort. If the plant life is immobile there is a 2-in-6 chance of treasure being present. If it is a monster there is a 4-in-6 chance of treasure being present.

Section 5C: Harvestable Magical Plant

This section details plant life that can be used in one way or another in the creation of potions. Plants used for more mundane needs are detailed elsewhere, but notably absent from this section is plant life that can be used in the creation of other magical items, such as weapons or armor. Roll on Table 5C II once for each harvestable plant present.

Table 5C I:  Number of Harvestable Plant Types Present

d20 Number of Harvestable Plant Types Present
1-12 1
13-18 2
19-20 3

Table 5C II: Units Harvestable Per Plant Type

d20 Units Harvestable Per Plant Type
1-12 1
13-16 1d3
17-19 1d6
20 2d6

See Tome of Adventure Design Table 3-70 for Plant Generation or use the following procedure:

  1. First determine if the plant is (1-18) used as a component in a potion or (19-20) has the effect of a potion when consumed
  2. Next determine if the plant (1-12) must be used fresh or (13-20) can be preserved and used in a preserved state.
    1. If it must be used fresh, it must be used (1-5) within 24 hours, (6-12) within 5 days, (13-18) within 30 days, or (19-20) whenever, no matter how advanced the degree of decay
  3. To determine which potion the plant is a component in or has the effect of, the author suggests using a preexisting potion table such as the Magic Potions table found in Old School Essentials Classic Fantasy Treasure p. 14

Section 5D:  Area Effect of Plants 

This section details plants that affect an area in a manner similar to magical effects.

d100 Area of Effect
1-25 1 room
26-50 1d4+1 rooms
51-75 2d6+2 rooms
76-85 3d8+3
86-95 entire dungeon region
96-100 entire dungeon

For suggestions on the nature of the magical effect, see Filling in the Blanks by Third Kingdom Games, page 64.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Two Magic Items from Hitherland

 Two Magic Items from Hitherland

As part of Attronarch's blog carnival, I went through my notes for my Hitherland setting and pulled out some magic items. I only found two (2) that were fully fleshed out and were worth sharing! I was pretty surprised. I really like the spine, but I think the chainmail is probably overpowered.

Ironwood Chainmail

This chainmail is crafted from enchanted ironwood. It provides AC as plate, but affects movement like leather. The rattling of the wooden links decreases the chance of surprising the enemy by 1-in-6.

The Spine of Rshsinni

The relic of a Sahuagin saint, this spine is a powerful magic item that grants the following abilities to chaotic clerics:

  • Allows the casting of Remove Fear/Cause Fear by level 1 clerics
  • Improves the performance of the Remove Fear/Cause Fear spell when held by a chaotic cleric
    • Remove Fear: saving throws against magical fear are modified by +2 per caster level (above first level) instead of +1
    • Cause Fear: Saves against this spell are at -1 per caster level (above first level)