Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Return to Hitherland

I’m preparing for the eighth session of my second campaign set in Hitherland, a setting I started working on immediately after getting interested in the OSR in 2020. Things have been going quite well from my end, and I’ve been enjoying both the prep and the play. There have been two character deaths and we just got our first second level character, a thief named Vich. An unnamed torchbearer has also died.

We’re still working on our second dungeon, which is at least intended to be quite large. Right now they are only about halfway through the first quadrant of the first floor. Downtime activities have been pretty substantial, but most of our time has been spent in the dungeons. Travel back and forth has been dramatic with many random encounters, but these are few in comparison to the density of stuff underground. I aim to talk about my experience building the first dungeon we played in in this post.

The Church of St. Éla, the Dreamer is located in hex 1105 in the East Town district of the fallen city of Inverness. It cuts a dramatic profile, with the sanctuary built extending from a hill and the offices and living quarters of several servants of the cult living deeper, in stone-hewn halls. It also holds a secret: a demon-minotaur slave ran amok during the chaos of the coming of the forest, killing every human it could lay its hands on. It is still deep within the church, dragging heavy chains behind it as it wanders without hunger or thirst.


We are playing online on Owlbear Rodeo. For the first session, I gave my players two characters each, a torchbearer, a porter, and a written hook:

The Church of St. Éla is the only authority that remains in the last human stronghold in the ruins of Inverness. They have contracted you to venture into the forest-overrun city to a chapel built into the side of a hill, there to recover a cache of magic items. The instructions from the robe-bearer were as follows: In the office of the abbot is a passage beyond the walls of the chapel, which will take you to a place where demons once dwelled. There you will find a coffer marked with the sign of Éla. You are to return this to us. In return for this act of devotion, the Church is prepared to give you 1000 gold pieces and it’s thanks. Go with the blessings of the saints.

The coffer contains rods that deal automatic damage to minotaurs, causing them great pain. The minotaurs, of which there were many hidden away in church holdings throughout Inverness, are in fact totally evil demons. They were used to power magical devices - great wheels of pain as in Conan - which in turn provided magical energies to the civil authorities of the city.

With all that explanation out of the way, and with my notes linked here, it’s time to describe the process I used for creating dungeons.

Creating the Dungeon

To start with, I use a ton of random tables. The sheer amount of coming up with cool ideas for a dungeon I find to be a lot of work, and offloading some of that work to tables saves me time and energy. I also enjoy the constraints this enforces on me: I might disregard what the rolls say, but they often encourage me to think outside the box. I usually start with an idea of dungeon level and size, as well as some thoughts about what’s generally going on, then I often generate a map using donjon or some other tool. I very often redraw these dungeons in Dungeon Scrawl. I produce both player facing, and DM facing maps.

Once I have a map, its time to key. This is the most time-consuming part of creating a dungeon for me and can be fun or exhausting depending on how easily the ideas come to me. For this dungeon, I used the stocking chart from the 1E DMG. This went alright, but gave me too many empty rooms, and moving forward I’ve adjusted the table to have more monsters and treasure. I roll once on my stocking table to get a sense of what sort of interactivity might be in the room, and I roll once on Courtney Campbell’s table from his empty rooms PDF (now included in a really great book) to get a sense of what the room is or might have been. This second roll is discarded more often than that on the stocking table - sometimes I just don’t need another oubliette.

Once I have a general breakdown of what’s in the dungeon - how many empty rooms, monsters, traps, and so on - I start brainstorming, broadly following advice from this video. I mark each idea with the kind of room it might fit into and start placing things.

At this point we have usually something like half of the rooms populated. Now I start looking at the map and what’s placed. I use what’s already in place to inspire more ideas: should this whole region be populated by the monsters I have from this room? The intention is that by this point there should be enough to bootstrap finishing the dungeon or dungeon floor. I then go through and fill in things like HP per monster, NPC stats and personalities, and other mechanical stuff like treasure.

Treasure I usually generate on the first pass. At the moment I’m working on the assumption of something like 100GP per level per room, not including magic items. If there’s too much or too little treasure in aggregate, I adjust, but I also don’t particularly mind it being pretty out of wack as long as I’m not handing out 100K GP on the first level. I use Courtney Campbell’s excellent treasure PDF to help think about this, favoring handing out bulky art objects and such instead of just coins.

A last crossing of t’s is determining how the doors and walls of the dungeon work and look. Now the dungeon is basically done. Obviously I fiddle with it, write some nice read-aloud text maybe. But it’s more than usable at this point and my time is probably better served doing something else.

1105 - Church of St.Éla, the Dreamer


33 Rooms about 100 GP per room = 3300 GP Located in a church Simple enough, a church of St. Éla Let’s make it inhabited by gnolls

Area 1: 5 rooms, 1 large - church

Transition: short corridor, 20 ft wide, excavated, well-finished

Area 2: 15 rooms, 3 large - clergy area

Area 3: 10 rooms, 3 large

The item could be a rod that hurts minotaurs, maybe even causes them to flee

Potential Hooks

  • Alchemist’s laboratory
    • Probably should be a teleportation chamber in there
  • flesh zombies
    • The back of the dungeon should be overrun, fleshy nodes everywhere
  • Minotaur area
    • This needs more interactivity, especially for the event where they kill the minotaur


Stat Blocks

Chosen of Roth

AC 13, HD 4 (18hp), Att 2 x claws 1d6 To Hit +2, MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 75

Flesh Zombie

AC 11, HD 2 (9hp), Att 1 × weapon (1d8 or by weapon), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 20, NA 1d6 (4d6), TT None


AC 13, HD 2 (9hp), Att 1 × weapon (2d4 or by weapon + 1), To Hit +1, MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 20

Gnoll Leader

AC 13, HD 3 (13hp), Att 1 x weapon, To Hit +2, MV 90’ (30’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3), ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 35

Chained Minotaur

AC 13, HD 6 (27hp), Att 1 × gore (1d6), 1 × bite (1d6)] or 1 × weapon (1d6 +2 or by weapon + 2), To Hit +5, MV 30’ (10’), SV D10 W11 P12 B13 S14 (6), ML 12, AL Chaotic, XP 275, NA 1d6 (1d8), TT C

By Room

Room Monsters Total Hit Dice Total Hit Points
3 2 Gnolls 4 17
6 3 Gnolls 6 33
7 Chosen of Roth 4 24
13 1 Gnoll 2 7
16 Gnoll Leader and 2 Gnolls 7 32
18 3 Flesh Zombies 3 11
20 1 Flesh Zombie 1 8
21 Minotaur 6 31
31 1 Gnoll 2 6


Room Contents Total Value (GP)
3 Onyx-buttoned vest 280GP
6 8 Gems 1400GP
7 81GP and scroll with 2 level 3 spells 81GP
16 4k EP and 1 Quartz Gem 2010GP
23 Coffer of Rods 0 GP
31 3 potions 0 GP
Total 3771 GP = ~ 3300GP

Random Encounters

Main Area

d4 Encounter
1 2 gnolls chased by 6 flesh zombies
2 1 Chosen of Roth eating the corpse of a flesh zombie
3 1 Gnoll Leader and 4 gnolls, carrying an urn containing 1k EP toward the exit from room 17
4 The relics of a saint, chained to the ceiling, fall to the ground. 2-in-6 chance of hitting a random character, save vs breath to avoid 1d4 damage. The skull can be found mostly intact, with gold medallions melted into its eyes. The medallions are worth 25GP each but if presented to a person affiliated with the church while still attached to bone it will cause offense (having obviously been looted from the relics of a saint).


d?? Rumor
1 The Church’s wealth for the past centuries apparently comes from their provision of the magical energies that powered Inverness. The source of which must have been the worship of their dwindling flock.
2 Dogfolk are all over the ruins of the city. They’ve been killing their way throughout, even fighting amongst themselves
3 Even before humans came, there had once been civilization on the peninsula. In the heyday of the city, earlier ruins regularly turned up.


Room Number Summary Interactive? Needs Work?
1 Entrance hall, empty False
2 Robing room, empty False
3 sanctuary, 2 gnolls and treasure True
4 Hidden one way door here, can’t open but useful info True
5 Hall, empty False Could use some better description
6 Well room, 3 gnolls and treasure True Where is the treasure? Anything else interesting?
7 Oubliette, chosen of Roth and trapped treasure True
8 Bestiary, empty False Yes, something going on here, not empty
9 Zoo, empty False
10 Bedroom, empty False
11 Bedroom, empty False
12 Bedroom, empty
13 Bedroom, sleeping gnoll True
14 Office, other side of teleporter to Minotaur land True What is the form of the teleporter, would be nice if there were a puzzle
15 Saints chained to ceiling, flowering moss hangs in strands from the skeletons False
16 Kennel, gnoll leader and gnolls and treasure True Set dressing
17 Antechamber, empty False Set dressing
18 Flesh zombies True Could use new set dressing, room type, flesh room
19 Study, hidden room with secret book/treasure True Flesh room
20 Pool, bathing room, zombie True flesh room,
21 Minotaur starting location True
22 Well Room False
23 Treasure in a bathroom, but not yet defined True Decide on treasure and room theme, 100 PP
24 Possible location of coffer True
25 Empty cell False
26 Other side of teleporter True work on set dressing for this room
27 Empty, possibly where minotaurs were kept False
28 Wheel of pain True read aloud text?
29 empty office False think of way to make this interesting
30 empty barracks False
31 Gnoll and two potions True Lab area
32 Ruined laboratory False Lab area
33 Teleportation chamber True Lab area
34 empty hallway False
35 Exit from minotaur domain True figure out how one-way door works

Room 1

Empty Entrance Hall

Windows line the upper part of the walls of this room. At the far end are a set of curtains.

Room 2

Empty Square 30x30 Robing room or something?

Similar to the last room, windows line the upper part of the walls of this room. Pegs, some still holding what look like ragged robes, are placed at regular intervals along the walls below the windows.

Room 3

Monster and Treasure 2 Gnolls: 1 battle axe - 6 hp 1 spear - 11 hp

10 hp

600 SP, 20 GP, 4 gems Vest, 4 onyx for buttons, made from soft fabric. Each gem worth 50GP, vest in total worth 280GP

Worship Room

Two dog-headed creatures, covered in what looks like blood, stand on a dais hacking at a wooden statue, now totally unrecognizable.

Room 4



You step down into shallow water. 1/2 inch of standing water here.

Room 5



Transition to stone construction. There’s the tattered remains of a rug, and some chairs lining the wall.

Room 6


Well Room

Let’s treat this as a pool as per ADnD DMG Appendix A Table VIIIA Monster, Treasure, and Pool

3 Gnolls, 10,11,12 hp two handed sword, short bow, short bow, both with only 4 arrows Occupied with drinking water 8 gems (1400GP total): * 500GP * 50GP * 50GP * 100GP * 500GP * 100GP * 50GP * 50GP

Room 7

Monster and Treasure


Chosen of Roth, 24 hp 81GP Scroll with 2 third level spells, Fly and Infravision Both contained in a chest (650 coin capacity) hidden under bones Chest is trapped. Opening the chest meets with some resistance, forcing it open tears open a wax-sealed paper bag of poison gas. Save vs breath to run, save vs poison or die, success is 1d6 damage. Cut the leather attaching the bag to either top or bottom to disarm, 1d4 turns to dissipate Listening at door - crunching of bones

Room 8



Room 9



Room 10



Room 11



Room 12



Room 13

Monster Only


1 gnoll, spear, 7 hp

Room 14



This was clearly once an office, but it has been ransacked. There is an overturned desk, objects that once lined the walls are pushed into the center of the room. Against the far wall is an unblemished mirror.

Room 15

Special, plants, wondrous or strange appearance


Moss hangs in strands from rafters lining the ceiling of this room. The moss has bright yellow flowers growing from it. Chained to the rafters are skeletons - the remains of forgotten saints. It is difficult to see across the room

Room 16

Monster and Treasure Kennel

Gnoll Leader, 17 hp, spear Gnoll 1, 7 hp, morning star Gnoll 2, 8 hp, battle axe

4k EP, 1 gem contained in urns 4 urns each containing 1k EP, 4th one containing a quartz gem worth 10 GP

Room 17



Room 18

Monster Only


3 Flesh Zombies, 4, 3, 9 hp

Room 19



Decaying books line the East and West walls of this room, the far wall is blank. A small crystal chandelier has fallen from the ceiling and lies broken on the floor.

Secret Door, 2k CP treasure. Let’s make it a book sitting on a pedestal describing a secret of the cult of Éla. Valuable artifact for the church

A cult of Éla attempting to popularize knowledge of the Church’s secrets will pay 5x for such texts The book describes Éla’s dreams as regarding her dead friends. “Solemn, her Dreams.”

Room 20

Monster and Treasure

Pool/Water Room

Flesh Zombie, 8hp, no treasure

Well in South-east corner

Room 21

Monster Only


Minotaur? 31hp?, battle axe, 1d8+2 dmg, weighed down by chains so it moves MV 90’ (30’)

Room 22


Well Room

Water was drawn from a cistern here that was fed by a spring. The wall of the cistern has been broken, flooding the rest of the area.

Room 23

Treasure Only

Bathroom 100PP?

Room 24


Foyer 2k SP, probably the coffer, in the hands of a dead man who has one of the rods in his hands

Room 25



Room 26


Pool/Water Room Other side of the teleporter Ruined skeletons of priests

Room 27



Fragments of bone and decaying clothing are littered around the floor here. Some weapons can be found sitting in the shallow water but all seem to be in an advanced state of rust

Room 28



A device previously powered by minotaurs that generates magical energy. Used to provide the substantial magical energies that ran Inverness?? It would make sense but not for the church who have been losing influence? Maybe they did it anyway for the money. And it was the payment from the city to the church for this energy that kept the church afloat and wealthy even as its congregation shrank, nevertheless maintaining significant political influence.

Wheel of pain

A large pillar of stone sits in the center of this room, with a wooden wheel around it at about head height. Spokes come out from the wheel.

Room 29



Rotten furniture collapses into the water here.

Describe bookshelves and books as having a lot of water damage

Room 30



Room 31

This room is clearly hewn from dirt and rock, burrowed through the raw earth

Monster and Treasure


1 Gnoll, spear, 6 hp wooden box with three potions * growth - semi-opaque, watery appearance. greasy smell * treasure finding - opalescent, peach colored, herbal smell * clairvoyance - cloudy, opalescent, muted brown color, fishy/rotten meat smell

The gnoll in this room is likely to hear any combat in room 3.

Room 32

This room has quite low ceilings (6 ft), and is composed of perfectly hewn, flagstones of pitch black rock. Empty


Room 33

This room has quite low ceilings (6 ft), and is composed of perfectly hewn, flagstones of pitch black rock.

The walls of the room describe a ritual in magical script etched into the stone to activate the portal. Studying takes 1d4 days.


Teleportation chamber, roll for this

Room 34

Hallway Empty

Room 35

Stagnant water

exit from minotaur domain, one way door activated by pushing, takes variable number of rounds? strength check, stuck

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Three Poems from 2024

Dream of Cold Water

Every year there is an awakening into life
Every day there is an awakening into life
Every moment there is an awakening into life
If I awaken into life
With breathing or beloved sight
By the way a rain drop surprises me or
When the light falls on my face in the morning

In the fall of 2020 I was in Vermont, hiking
With friends in the woods for a number of days
Swimming with friends for a couple of days
In a cold, clear, little pond
Trees lined the water there, there were trees reflected on it
And as the cold shook me I saw
Myself reflected too

As if to remind me
As if I needed to be reminded
With pond water sticking my hair to me and dripping from me
And tasting good as i sucked on my mustache
And feeling good and cold

So when I, in the morning, dream
I dream of cold water
And the sunlight upon it
And my reflection there, among the light

Waxing Love

My love for you is like the moon
First waxing, then waning, but coming back 'round
Sometimes hidden in the heat of the sun, but soon
To dominate again. Passing without sound
Through the sky of our lives, over and over
Seeming at times, like a scorned lover
Kept alive by a light in the bedroom
Or a glance snuck while pushing a broom
But in the moment of that glance, reigniting
As when I see you lying besides me in the morning
Or even just by the memory of the sun's rising
And hardly a moment goes by without something
Bringing to my mind my love for you
Calling me back to where I can be with you

Inman to Alewife

After a run, I lay on the roof
Covered in sweat, with sweat on my face
And tears in my eyes, looking for proof
In the sky, in the clouds, some lingering trace
Of your passage through my wandering life.
It was a long one today, tracing a disoriented line
Past Inman, up Mass, all the way around Alewife,
And the pain and fatigue did a fine
Job of distracting my mind from thoughts of you
But now, on the roof, with my back plastered to the tar
I have nothing left to distract me, save the view
Of open air and clouds. I ran so far
That I thought I had left you behind.
Sunblind, I still see you in the light.